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Work package 4: Advocacy

Making research in the arts visible

Coordinator: Chris Wainwright (University of the Arts London)

The transversal Advocacy work package aims to raise the visibility and the level of recognition in Europe for research in the arts in design, visual and performing arts, and creative/digital media. One important indicator for success will be the increase of the level of involvement in the 7th Framework Programme for Research & development, Erasmus Mundus at Masters’ and Doctoral levels as well as the increase of new national 3rd cycle degrees/programmes under national funding schemes.

With the input of all partner institutions, the Advocacy group will develop a detailed argumentation, based on data, best practice examples and insights developed during the network period.  It aims to convince national research boards, national rectors’ conferences and European bodies of the value, the impact and potential of arts research, and its non-conventional contribution to all forms of innovation and to the creative economy. It will produce an overview of PhD degrees and research structures in Europe and a Strategy and Advocacy Paper on Creative Research, accumulating into an attractive information package. It will also support arts schools/art faculties in their contacts with national education and research bodies, explain about creative research developments at international conferences, react to consultations and events and liaise informally and formally with all relevant persons/bodies on the national and European level.

Partners in this work package:

University of the Arts London, Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon colleges (CCW)
Hogeschool Sint-Lukas Brussel
Ecole Superieure D'art et Design de Saint-Etienne
European League of Institutes of the Arts
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Göteborg University/University of Gothenburg

News from this workpackage


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Praesent a massa odio. Pellen tesque mi tellus, tempus a volutpat vitae, gravida sit. amet risus. Aliquam hesent aen tesque mi tellus, tempus a ven tesque mi tellus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit. Praesent a massa odio. Pellen tesque mi tellus, tempus a volutpat vitae, dolor.
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Praesent a massa odio. Pellen tesque mi tellus, tempus a volutpat vitae, gravida sit. amet risus. Aliquam hesent aen tesque mi tellus, tempus a ven tesque mi tellus.
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October 12 - 2010

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit. Praesent a massa odio. Pellen tesque mi tellus, tempus a volutpat vitae, dolor.
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Another item
December 20 - 2010

Praesent a massa odio. Pellen tesque mi tellus, tempus a volutpat vitae, gravida sit. amet risus. Aliquam hesent aen tesque mi tellus, tempus a ven tesque mi tellus.
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