Research Overview » France » IRCAM


(Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique / Musique)

Paris , France



Degrees offered

Number of third cycle students

IRCAM is an independent research institution associated with the Centre Pompidou, under the aegis of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. IRCAM’s R&D department is an accredited host lab for the Université Paris 6 doctoral programs. The ATIAM Master’s program (Acoustics, Signal Processing, and information technology applied to music) is organized as a part of the Master’s in Science and Technology offered by the Université Paris 6.
Much research is conducted in partnership with universities, laboratories, artistic companies, and enterprises worldwide.

Publications and conferences
IRCAM has three publication series: Les Cahiers de l'Ircam. Recherche et Musique | Musique / Sciences Collection | Cahiers de l'Ircam - Compositeurs d'aujourd'hui, and publishes the journals l’Étincelle, l’Inouï, and Inharmoniques. It organizes the yearly Agora festival in June, and several monthly seminars (MaMux, on music and mathematics; Entretemps; and Research and Creation).

Research at IRCAM is conducted within 8 research teams, comprising researchers, engineers, technicians and PhD students. Here the head of the research team will also be thesis supervisor.

Funding and stipendia
IRCAM sends out a call for research residencies each year; laureates will be granted a residency at IRCAM during a specific period and in association with a team/project at IRCAM, and will receive a per-diem of approximately 1000 Euros per month. Funding for PhD projects must be obtained from other sources.