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In Germany only some of the Kunsthochschulen have right of promotion, like HfG Offenbach, HBK Braunschweig, HBK Hamburg, Academy of Media Arts Cologne, and the University of the Arts Berlin. Especially the University of the Arts Berlin has a substantial philsophy and humanities research staff.
In research in the arts, there are PhD programmes in Cologne (Artefakten, started 2004), Hamburg  and Offenbach (started 2009). Both have a strong emphasis on theory. The University of the Arts Berlin hosts the two-year non-degree Graduate School for the Arts and Sciences.
The HfG Karlsruhe cooperates with the ZKM (Centre for Culture and Media) on research in media-arts and technology; Merz Academy Stuttgart hosts research projects in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
The German Research Council (DFG) has set the base amount of third-level fellowships at € 1000.

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