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Work package 1: Graduate Schools

Expanding existing programmes and networks

Coordinator: Mick Wilson (GradCAM)

This work package builds on the existing EARN network, bringing together Graduate Schools, National Fellowship Programmes, Research Centres and similar initiatives already fully active in doctoral research in the arts. The ambition of this sub-network is to develop excellent 3rd cycle (collaborative) programmes and research centres at world-class level.

The working group facilitates three sub-network meetings and a pilot study, systematically describing collaborative organizational structures at 3rd cycle level, also including cross-disciplinary models based on experience from other sciences and in interaction with innovative creative industry. It pilots the development of at least two joint modules or programmes.  It introduces innovative cross-disciplinary research concepts working from the principle of the knowledge triangle in the creative disciplines as currently developing in Europe, combining research, education and technological, social and artistic innovation. It will input in the communication, validation and advocacy actions of the Academic Network and in all three project conferences.

Partners in this work package:

GradCAM/Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)
Hogeschool Sint-Lukas Brussel
The National Film School of Denmark
Universitat Ramon Llull-Fundació Privada
IUAV University of Venice
Utrecht School of the Arts
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa
Kuvataideakatemia – Finnish Academy of Fine Arts
Göteborg University/University of Gothenburg
University of the Arts London, Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon colleges (CCW)
Iceland Academy of the Arts
Norwegian Fellowship Programme for Artistic Research
Högskolan Dalarna; University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre
Hochschule für Kunst und Gestaltung (School of Art and Design) Basel

News from this workpackage


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit. Praesent a massa odio. Pellen tesque mi tellus, tempus a volutpat vitae.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit. Praesent a massa odio. Pellen tesque mi tellus, tempus a volutpat vitae, dolor.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit. Praesent a massa odio. Pellen tesque mi tellus, tempus a volutpat vitae.
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