Events » SHARE#1 Helsinki Conference » Abstracts » David Dibosa

David Dibosa

Dr. David Dibosa trained as a curator, after receiving his first degree from Girton College, Cambridge. He was awarded his PhD in Art History from Goldsmiths College, London, for a thesis titled, Reclaiming Remembrance: Art, Shame and Commemoration. During the 1990s, David curated public art projects, including a billboard project and a sculpture park in the West Midlands.
From 2004-2008, he was Senior Lecturer in Fine Art Theory at Wimbledon College of Art, University of the Arts London. He remains at UAL, where he is now Course Director for MA Art Theory, at Chelsea College of Art and Design.

David’s published work focuses on visual art and cultural difference. It includes: ‘How to Speak Borders’ in the Turkish journal Toplumbilim (autumn, 2007), ‘The Self that Follows the Discipline’ in the online journal, [E]dition, (London, autumn 2008) and ‘Queer Appearances: the Visual Strategies of Gilbert & George’ in the Sexualities journal (2009).
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