Events » SHARE/NIDA Summerschool » Teachers » Klaus Jung

Klaus Jung

Educated at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in the 70ies
In Higher Art Education since 1989
Rector Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, since 2009
Head of School of Fine Art at Glasgow School of Art from 2002 – 2009
Rektor, Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen 1996 – 2002
Rektor Kunstakademiet i Trondheim 1990 - 1996

Member of ELIA board and executive group 2000 – 2006, and 2008 - 2010
ELIA vice president 2002 – 2004 and 2008 – 2010
Steering group for Claiming Creativity, Chicago April 2010
Steering group for ELIA Teachers Academy Brighton 2007
Steering group Dublin biennial 2002
Steering group artesnet strand 3 with focus on research
Involvement in a range of external reviews and evaluations, among others for University of the Arts Berlin, University of the Arts Vienna and Swedish Design and Craft schools on behalf of ‘Högskoleverket’
Chairman of the board of Governors for the Centre for Contemporary Art in Glasgow since spring 2008 - 2009.

Recent Publications: 2006: “Was fordert Kunsthochschulen heraus” , in Reality Check: Who is afraid of master of arts? IGBK (International Society for Fine Art) Berlin, also as “The BA/MA exercise and more important challenges” in "Art Studies: Between a Method and a Fancy", published by Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, Lithuania in 2007, 2008: “Enabling knowledge”, Issue No. 4, “Sensuous Knowledge”, Kunsthøgskolen I Bergen.
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