Coordinator: Anna Daucikova (Academy of Fine Art and Design, Bratislava)
This work package brings together art schools/faculties, developing 3rd cycle arts education in the first stages of development, building on partnerships within previous ERASMUS Networks. The work package facilitates three partner meetings, in Bratislava (January 2011), Brno (January 2012) and Ankara (January 2013) and a study identifying the specific needs for information, support and collaboration in targeting all schools in Europe in a similar starting phase.
The sub-network will pilot joint curriculum development in the 2nd and 3rd cycle between teams of art schools and identify, collect and describe examples of learning material experimenting with linking teaching and research. The sub-network will share experience among the members of the network and among the larger group of the art schools/faculties in Europe. It will develop new ways of collaboration and joint initiatives and will closely collaborate with the validation group to produce adequate tools to support art schools/arts faculties in similar paths of development. The sub-network will input in all three project conferences and contribute to external communication, validation and advocacy group, dissemination and information packages; updates and interim/final reports.
SHARE's activities are funded with support from the European Commission. The website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.