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SHARE Handbook for Artistic Research Education

The SHARE Handbook for Artistic Research Education - digital version available for downloadis the outcome of three years of work by SHARE, an international network working to enhance the ‘third cycle’ of arts research and education in Europe. SHARE is an acronym for ‘Step-Change for Higher Arts Research and Education’ (a ‘step-change’ being a major jump forward, a key moment of progress).

The SHARE network brings together a wide array of graduate schools, research centres, educators, supervisors, researchers and cultural practitioners, across all the arts disciplines. Over the period 2010–2013, this network was (co)funded through the ERASMUS Lifelong Learning Programme. Jointly coordinated by the Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media (GradCAM), the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) and the European League of Institute of the Arts (ELIA), the funding bid was comprised of 35 partners from 28 European countries.

The SHARE Handbook for Artistic Research Education is a poly-vocal document, designed as a contribution to the field of artistic research education from an organisational, procedural and practical standpoint. As a provisional disclosure of the state of the art within specific constituencies, this publication seeks to be serviceable to many different agendas and projects, and it attempts to do this by demonstrating the lived contradictions of what is simultaneously both an emerging and fully formed domain of research education.

Edited by Mick Wilson and Schelte van Ruiten the Handbook features contributions from:
Henk Borgdorff
Anna Daučíková
Scott deLahunta
James Elkins
Bojan Gorenec
Johan A Haarberg
Efva Lilja
Steven Henry Madoff
Leandro Madrazo
Nina Malterud
Ruth Mateus-Berr
Alen Ožbolt
John Rajchman
Matthias Tarasiewicz
Andris Teikmanis
Johan Verbeke

ELIA will continue SHARE network activities, pushing the agenda for artistic research and further developing this research community, together with global partners and collaborative networks for research within the arts.

Copies can be ordered at the cost of shipping by contacting the ELIA Office at