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SHARE Academic Network

SHARE is an international networking project, comprising 39 partners working together on enhancing the ‘3rd cycle’ of arts research and education, creating a Europe-wide exchange framework for the widely different experiences, practices and ideas that make up the lively domain of artistic and cultural research.

SHARE is the acronym for ‘Step-change for Higher Arts Research and Education’. (A ‘step-change’ is a major jump forward; a key moment of progress.)

SHARE is an international networking project comprising 39 partners from across Europe working together on enhancing the ‘3rd cycle’ of arts research and education (i.e., doctoral
level studies) in Europe.

SHARE creates a European-wide exchange framework for the widely different experiences, practices and ideas that make up the lively domain of artistic and cultural research.

SHARE works across a wide spectrum of creative cultural practices including visual and performing arts, music, design and media.

SHARE is co-funded by the EU through the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency through the ERASMUS Lifelong Learning Programme.

SHARE brings together arts graduate schools, arts research centres, arts educators, supervisors, researchers and cultural practitioners. It also acts as a network of networks including participation from large networks such as ELIA and smaller networks such as EARN and EUFRAD to name only some of the many networks active in European arts research.