Research Overview
Overview of research in the arts in EuropeInstitutions and ProgrammesThis overview presents institutions and programmes engaged in research in the arts, as well as the national situation with regard to funding, regulations, degrees, and integration in the academic infrastructure, per country in Europe. Based upon a survey initiated by artesnetEurope, and maintained by the SHARE academic network, it is the most comprehensive - though by no means complete - overview of the European Research Area in the arts. Research in the arts in this overview is used to mean research programmes for artists hosted by institutes of higher arts education, sometimes in cooperation or association with other academic institutions. The more conventional, but more problematic term for this is artistic research, and when it does not give rise to ambiguity this term will be used. The overview will mainly focus on third-cycle programmes. This is a pragmatic choice: in the debate that has been going on for the last decade, artistic research has mainly been identified with PhDs in the arts, even though research could also be pursued by senior researchers or independent artists, and MA programmes are required to be research-based. From the large number of PhD programmes in the United Kingdom, only a sample has been selected. What has been patently excluded is conventional academic research, mainly in philosophy and the humanities, that is hosted by art academies. Also excluded are non-degree postgraduate programmes without a specific research profile, that were largely already there before the emergence of PhDs in higher arts education, and the advent of the ‘artistic research’ debate. This overview is complemented by an overview of publications and conferences about research in the arts.
* The Faculty of Art and Architecture is part of the K.U.Leuven Association; associated HAE institutes are in Ghent, Brussels, Louvain, and Genk. ** The DocARTES programme has 8 partners in Flanders, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom; it is co-ordinated by the Orpheus Institute, Ghent. *** The Norwegian Fellowship Programme involves all Norwegian art academies and several university departments; it is co-ordinated by Bergen National Academy of the Arts. |